
See below for a list of Current Services Offered.
Call Today To Discuss Your Unique Business Needs!

Septic Permitting

Level 3 Soil Investigations

Alternative options & consultation with builders, developers, installers, homeowners & regulators


Soil test borings, backhoe pit inspections, perc tests, accurate boring and pit locating, soil map preparation using AutoCAD.

Septic System Design

Onsite wastewater system planning and design for private, commercial or community systems

Pre-Purchase Property Assessments

Site Visits

Determine if a property of interest has environmental limitations before making a land purchase

Stream & Wetland Determinations

Find out if a drainage feature qualifies as state waters, or if low lying areas are true wetlands

Exploratory Soil Investigations

Provide soil borings in key locations to determine feasibility for a basement or pool. Determine the seasonal high water table depth and bedrock limitations.


Site Reconnaissance

Pre-purchase inspection to determine if wetlands are present

Wetland Delineation

  • Hydric soil mapping
  • Field delineation
  • Wetland boundary survey using Submeter GPS system
  • Map preparation
  • Follow-up